A free, public space processional performance that takes the performers and their audience on a gruelling journey of several kilometres through a a city precinct.
Requiring enormous discipline and focus from the performers, this moving installation is an artistic examination of human beings innate ability to endure together through adversity.
TheMARCH is a repeated choreographic sequence which consists of four universal items of human forward-motion: running, walking, crawling and dragging. This pattern forms a forty-beat sequence which accelerates and decelerates, the choreography taking the performers in and out of the ground as they process over several kilometres.
The performers are dressed immaculately in evening wear: tuxedoes and elegant gowns. They are clearly on their way to some extraordinary event. A premiere? A wedding? An awards presentation?
Accompanied by a lone drummer, the performers relentlessly continue their task, rising and falling as the pattern repeats, taking them ever forward. Their beautiful finery is soon ripped and torn by the city streets, makeup is sweated off as for several kilometres through city streets, festival precincts, laneways and forgotten places...
No matter what TheMARCH must continue…